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AIMS, through the Next Einstein Forum announce the NEF Africa Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Week – 7th to 18th October 2024
“Youth-led innovations driving sustainable development in Africa.” Kigali, Rwanda, September 11th, 2024 The Next Einstein Forum (NEF), an initiative of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), is pleased to announce the NEF Africa Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Week, set to take place from October 7 to 18, 2024. This groundbreaking event will be hosted [...]
AIMS, through the Next Einstein Forum announce the NEF Africa Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Week – 7th to 18th October 2024
“Youth-led innovations driving sustainable development in Africa.” Kigali, Rwanda, September 11th, 2024 The Next Einstein Forum (NEF), an initiative of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), is pleased to announce the NEF Africa Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Week, set to take place from October 7 to 18, 2024. This groundbreaking event will be hosted [...]
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How can misinformation affect public health in Africa? Dr. Sajjad Fazel, a Science Hero from Tanzania, gives his point of view
June 15, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Healthcare, Policy, Science
Next Einstein Forum: Tell us about yourself and why you chose your current area of work and research? It is after seeing my father and other people in Tanzania suffering from the effects of diabetes that I decided to pursue a career in health. I was always interested in science, biology in particular. I found [...]
To which extent the current locust swarm poses a threat to Africa? Ivy Ng’iru, a Science Hero from the Mpala Research Center in Kenya, gives her point of view
June 11, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Science, Women in Science and Tech
Next Einstein Forum: Tell us about yourself and why you chose your current area of work and research? Ivy Ng’iru: My earliest memories revolve around wildlife. My father, a farmer, would take me to the fields with him and teach me about the many birds, insects and mesofauna we would encounter in the plains of [...]
5 minutes avec Sandrine Boucher, Directrice de la cellule Innovation à l’AFD
June 9, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Innovation, Technology
Next Einstein Forum: l’Agence française de développement (AFD) a récemment lancé un ouvrage intitulé «L’économie africaine 2020.» Quel est l’objectif visé avec cette publication? Sandrine Boucher: Il s’agit d’une initiative inédite pour l’AFD, visant à ouvrir ses analyses plus largement au grand public. C’est en effet la vocation première de la collection « Repères » des éditions [...]
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Le numérique, une aubaine pour l’agriculture en Afrique? Le Dr. Lawani, CEO de Global Partners, livre son analyse
June 8, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Innovation, Technology
Next Einstein Forum : En raison de l’impact économique du Covid-19, le nombre de personnes confrontées à l’insécurité alimentaire aiguë devrait passer à 265 millions en 2020, soit une augmentation de 130 millions par rapport à 2019. Le spectre de la faim hante-t-il le secteur alimentaire mondial? Abdelaziz Lawani: Bien sûr, le risque d’insécurité alimentaire aiguë [...]
Le COVID-19, une opportunité pour le secteur des énergies renouvelables en Afrique? Lucia Bakulumpagi-Wamala livre son point de vue
June 4, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Innovation, Technology
Next Einstein Forum: Selon de nombreux experts, les mesures de confinement adoptées par les économies de l’Afrique subsaharienne contribueront au développement accéléré des énergies renouvelables sur le continent. Partagez-vous leur avis? Lucia Bakulumpagi-Wamala: Je suis d’accord. Cependant, j’estime qu’il y a un chaînon manquant, à savoir la production. En effet, les mesures de confinement affectent [...]
How can we concretely engage girls in science-related fields of studies in Africa? Dr. Elsa Zekeng gives her point of view
| Africa, Blog, Innovation, STEM, Technology, Women in Science and Tech
Next Einstein Forum: In 2016, the European Union selected you as Young Leader in recognition to your contribution in the field of science, notably in Africa. Could you tell us more about this and how you passed the so-called “glass ceiling”? Elsa Zekeng: At the time of my selection I was doing my PhD in [...]
Les enjeux du système éducatif africain avec le Professeur Mary Teuw Niane, ancien Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur de la République du Sénégal
May 20, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Innovation, STEM
Next Einstein Forum : Quelle est votre analyse du système éducatif africain à l’heure actuelle ? Mary Teuw Niane: Malgré des progrès notables, le système éducatif africain demeure en deçà des besoins, des attentes et, surtout, fonctionne plus par l’échec, que par le succès. Son développement est insuffisant face à la jeunesse de la population africaine et [...]
COVID-19, an opportunity in Africa’s renewable energy sector? Lucia Bakulumpagi-Wamala, CEO of Bakulu Power, gives her point of view.
May 15, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Policy
Next Einstein Forum: According to various experts, the lockdown restrictions imposed across various economies within Sub-Saharan Africa have the ability to help the region to accelerate its adoption of renewable energy. Do you agree? Lucia Bakulumpagi-Wamala: I agree, but there is a missing link – manufacturing. Lockdowns are affecting supply chains everywhere. Africa is particularly vulnerable [...]
Can COVID Organics win the battle over SARS-CoV-2 infections?
May 13, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Feat Articles, Fellows, Healthcare, Highlight, News, News Articles, Science
by Dr Vidushi Neergheen* Ever since the President of the Republic of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, announced holding the cure against COVID 19 on 20 April 2020, there has been an upsurge of support for this herbal concoction named COVID organics from many African countries. The drug developed as a herbal tea by the Malagasy [...]
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5 minutes avec Peter Addo, Responsable du DataLab à l’Agence française de développement (AFD)
May 10, 2020 | Blog, Innovation, Technology
Next Einstein Forum: Lorsqu’on aborde la question de l’intelligence artificielle (IA), très peu de gens comprennent exactement de quoi on parle. Pourriez-vous nous éclairer sur ce sujet? Peter Addo: L’intelligence artificielle (IA) enseigne simplement à la machine à apprendre à partir d’exemples. Cela donne à la machine un certain niveau d’intelligence basé sur des exemples [...]
Le COVID-Organics, un remède dont l’efficacité reste à prouver? Le Professeur Adegnika, Directeur du Centre de Recherches Médicales de Lambaréné (CERMEL) au Gabon livre son point de vue
May 7, 2020 | Blog, Healthcare, Science
Next Einstein Forum : Le nombre de cas de Covid-19 est pour l’heure limité en Afrique. Pour quelles raisons? Ayola Akim Adegnika: Je ne crois pas qu’il faut se réjouir trop tôt. Certes, les chiffres sont là car l’Afrique a environ 50.000 cas de contaminations et 2000 morts, selon les statistiques livrées quotidiennement par le Centre [...]
5 minutes sur l’effort d’une entreprise africaine de l’e-santé face au Coronavirus avec Sedric Degbo, CEO du Réseau d’échange entre médecins d’Afrique (REMA)
April 28, 2020 | Blog, Healthcare
Next Einstein Forum: Pourriez-vous nous expliquer comment vous est venue l’idée de mettre sur pied le Réseau d’Échange entre Médecins d’Afrique (REMA)? Sedric Degbo: La genèse de REMA a véritablement démarré en 2016, lors d’une recherche pour la fin de mes études de médecine, où je suis tombé complétement par hasard sur un article scientifique [...]
Entretien avec la Professeure Mireille Dosso, Directrice de l’Institut Pasteur de Côte d’Ivoire, sur les enjeux du Coronavirus en Afrique
April 27, 2020 | Blog, Healthcare
Next Einstein Forum: Quelles sont les différences entre la situation actuelle liée au COVID-19 et les autres épidémies qui ont affecté le continent par le passé? Mireille Dosso: Dans le cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, nous avons récemment été touchés par plusieurs épidémies au cours des dernières années, dont la dernière (Dengue) s’est déroulée en [...]
Entretien avec Doria Rey, Directrice exécutive de « GoMediCAL », sur l’apport des start-ups dans le secteur de la santé en Afrique
April 21, 2020 | Blog, Healthcare
Next Einstein Forum: Pourriez-vous nous expliquer les raisons qui vous ont incité à lancer « GoMediCAL» et comment évaluez-vous son impact aujourd’hui? Doria Rey: GoMediCAL était un produit de l’entreprise « Open SI », créé par Gilles Kounou. Lorsque j’ai rejoint cette entreprise en 2018, nous avons décidé de faire de ce projet une entité à part dont [...]
Do African herbal medicines hold hope for COVID-19?
April 20, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Healthcare, Highlight
by Devina Lobine* The world is in search of vaccines to halt COVID-19. About 42 companies and academic institutions are working to find a vaccine for COVID-19, and at least four of them (Moderna/NIAID, CanSino Biological Inc./Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, University of Oxford and Inovio Pharmaceuticals) already have candidates that have showed promising results in [...]
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5 minutes sur la Tech africaine et le Coronavirus avec Samir Abdelkrim
April 14, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Innovation, Technology
Samir Abdelkrim est l’auteur de l’ouvrage “Startup Lions, au cœur de l’African Tech“ et fondateur de la plateforme de la Tech4Good EMERGING Valley ( et de la société de conseil StartupBRICS ( Next Einstein Forum : Comment caractériseriez-vous le milieu entrepreneurial africain dans le domaine du numérique et qui sont les poids lourds de la [...]
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Wired-up Interview with Charles LM Kimpolo
April 11, 2022 | Africa, Blog, Fellows, Highlight, News, News Articles, STEM
Education problems and a lack of access to technology have been widely recognized on the continent as major stumbling blocks to economic competitiveness and social equality.” Charles Lebon Mberi Kimpolo, Director of the AIMS Industry Initiative, launched the Young African Technologists (YAT) project to change this situation. How? Watch his inspiring interview on WiredUp Africa [...]
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La Somalienne Mariam Noor conçoit un anneau capable de limiter les risques d’insuffisance cardiaque
April 10, 2022 | Africa, Feat Articles, Fellows, Highlight, News, News Articles, STEM
(Agence Ecofin) – Conçu pour le traitement de l’insuffisance aortique, une condition pouvant entraîner une insuffisance cardiaque, l’anneau de Mariam Noor a déjà été testé sur un porc et a présenté des résultats prometteurs salués par des cardiologues. lien Web: [...]
Tribune How can we achieve equity in higher education for Africa’s socio-economic transformation?
April 9, 2022 | Africa, Feat Articles, Fellows, Highlight, News, News Articles, STEM
While female enrolment in higher education has tripled globally between 1995 and 2018, the gender gap is still large in sub-Saharan Africa ‘s higher-ed institutions. Women are particularly underrepresented in the STEM fields due to several barriers that the region must necessarily remove to reach its full socio-economic development potential, argues the CEO of the African [...]
Carpe Diem: A Case for E-commerce as a Tool for Digital Disruption in Africa during Covid-19
June 23, 2020 | Africa, Ambassadors, Blog, Feat Articles, Highlight, Technology
by Kevin Muvunyi and Esther Kunda* World-renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein once said that in the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity. Amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, this statement becomes all the more relevant. The current pandemic has disrupted economies around the globe, with most countries expected to witness low percentage GDP growth. Africa [...]
Learning from the best: Evaluating COVID-19 responses and what Africa can learn
June 9, 2020 | Africa, Feat Articles, Highlight, News, Policy, Science
A Next Einstein Forum opinion paper Since the first case of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), was detected in Wuhan, China, towards the end of 2019, and declared a global pandemic on 11 March by the World Health Organization, attention has now turned to how countries have responded. The magnitude of the resultant shock from COVID-19 [...]
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Can COVID Organics win the battle over SARS-CoV-2 infections?
May 13, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Feat Articles, Fellows, Healthcare, Highlight, News, News Articles, Science
by Dr Vidushi Neergheen* Ever since the President of the Republic of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, announced holding the cure against COVID 19 on 20 April 2020, there has been an upsurge of support for this herbal concoction named COVID organics from many African countries. The drug developed as a herbal tea by the Malagasy [...]
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Coronavirus (COVID-19)-induced re-imagination: 7 things we knew, but “could do nothing about”…until we could…and did
April 20, 2020 | Africa, Feat Articles, Fellows, Healthcare, Highlight, News, News Articles, Science
by Prof. Tolu Oni* One thing is clear: we can’t avert a next pandemic with the same logic and systems that got us to this point. In addition to emergency responses to reduce transmission needed to end the pandemic, I have previously written about the need for emergency foresight in the midst of crises. This [...]
Do African herbal medicines hold hope for COVID-19?
| Africa, Blog, Healthcare, Highlight
by Devina Lobine* The world is in search of vaccines to halt COVID-19. About 42 companies and academic institutions are working to find a vaccine for COVID-19, and at least four of them (Moderna/NIAID, CanSino Biological Inc./Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, University of Oxford and Inovio Pharmaceuticals) already have candidates that have showed promising results in [...]
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Supplies to vulnerable communities and protection of health workers, as Africa battles COVID-19
April 3, 2020 | Africa, Feat Articles, Fellows, Highlight, News
by Sara Suliman and Fatoumatta Darboe* COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) has become a household name for the disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus (SARS-CoV2), which has rapidly become a global epidemic crisis. SARS-CoV2 infections have been slow to enter Africa, potentially as a result of early travel restrictions imposed by multiple African countries. [...]
R&D en Afrique : une approche panafricaine s’impose pour remédier à la faiblesse des financements (Youssef Travaly, NEF)
March 13, 2020 | Africa, Highlight, News, Science, Uncategorized
Dépêche N°622703 Par Anne ROY Lundi 09 mars 2020, 18:04:00 Toute reproduction ou transmission de cette dépêche est strictement interdite, sauf accord formel d’AEF Lancé en 2013 à l’initiative de l’African institute for mathematical sciences et la fondation Robert Bosch Stiftung, le Next Einstein Forum est une plate-forme qui entend connecter science, société et politique [...]
Le Next Esintein Forum dévoile les 25 meilleurs innovateurs qui entreront en compétition lors Rassemblement international à Nairobi
February 24, 2020 | Africa, Feat Articles, Highlight, Innovation, News, Press Releases, STEM
KIGALI, Rwanda, le 25 février 2020 – Le NEF dévoile aujourd’hui sa liste des 25 finalistes pour son concours de l’Invention à l’Innovation (Ci2i) dans 5 catégories qui aura lieu durant le Salon de l’innovation les 10 et 11 mars 2020 prochain. Sélectionnés parmi plus de 260 candidatures, cette troisième cohorte de finalistes du Ci2i [...]
Next Einstein Forum unveils top 25 innovators to compete at global gathering in Nairobi
| Africa, Highlight, Innovation, News, Press Releases, Science, STEM, Technology
KIGALI, Rwanda, 25 February 2020 – Today, the Next Einstein Forum (NEF) announces the 25 finalists for its Challenge of Invention to Innovation (Ci2i) competition in five categories to be held on 10-11 March 2020 in the NEF Innovation Salon. “The third cohort of Ci2i finalists, selected from 260 applications, are ambitious African innovators developing [...]
Seven reasons to attend Next Einstein Forum Global Gatherings
January 27, 2020 | Africa, Highlight, News, News Articles, Newsroom
The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) Global Gatherings is a space like no other! We focus on creating a collaborative environment for young innovators and great scientific minds to come together with the singular goal of propelling Africa as a global scientific hub. The Global Gathering is the largest science and innovation gathering on the continent. [...]
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Graves or people
September 24, 2019 | Africa, Fellows, Highlight, News, Policy, Science
While much recent discussion about the sustainability of death has focused on how ‘green’ methods like cremation are or can be, the fact remains that a significant portion of the land used by cemeteries remains a controversial topic in the scope of urban sprawl and liveability. NEF Fellow Zaheer Allam at Curtin University, Australia, examined [...]
Third edition of Next Einstein Forum Africa Science Week begins in 39 countries
| Ambassadors, Feat Articles, Healthcare, Highlight, News, News Articles, Press Releases
KIGALI, Rwanda, 23 September 2019 – The third edition of the Next Einstein Forum (NEF) Africa Science Week in 39 countries from October to December 2019 starts today in Cabo Verde. The NEF Africa Science Week is a weeklong event organized to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). It is led by NEF Ambassadors [...]
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Le Next Einstein Forum annonce une nouvelle cohorte de 25 lauréats; les jeunes scientifiques les plus talentueux d’Afrique
August 5, 2019 | Feat Articles, Fellows, Highlight, News, News Articles, Press Releases
KIGALI, Rwanda, le 5 août 2019,-/African Media Agency (AMA)/- Le Next Einstein Forum (NEF) a présenté aujourd’hui sa troisième promotion de lauréats; 25 scientifiques d’envergure, tous âgés de moins de 42 ans, et dont les recherches et les innovations contribuent à relever les défis les plus urgents pour l’Afrique et le monde. « Je suis ravi [...]
AIMS, through the Next Einstein Forum announce the NEF Africa Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Week – 7th to 18th October 2024
September 11, 2024 | Africa, Blog, News, News Articles, Press Releases, The NEF Blog
“Youth-led innovations driving sustainable development in Africa.” Kigali, Rwanda, September 11th, 2024 The Next Einstein Forum (NEF), an initiative of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), is pleased to announce the NEF Africa Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Week, set to take place from October 7 to 18, 2024. This groundbreaking event will be hosted [...]
Wired-up Interview with Charles LM Kimpolo
April 11, 2022 | Africa, Blog, Fellows, Highlight, News, News Articles, STEM
Education problems and a lack of access to technology have been widely recognized on the continent as major stumbling blocks to economic competitiveness and social equality.” Charles Lebon Mberi Kimpolo, Director of the AIMS Industry Initiative, launched the Young African Technologists (YAT) project to change this situation. How? Watch his inspiring interview on WiredUp Africa [...]
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La Somalienne Mariam Noor conçoit un anneau capable de limiter les risques d’insuffisance cardiaque
April 10, 2022 | Africa, Feat Articles, Fellows, Highlight, News, News Articles, STEM
(Agence Ecofin) – Conçu pour le traitement de l’insuffisance aortique, une condition pouvant entraîner une insuffisance cardiaque, l’anneau de Mariam Noor a déjà été testé sur un porc et a présenté des résultats prometteurs salués par des cardiologues. lien Web: [...]
Tribune How can we achieve equity in higher education for Africa’s socio-economic transformation?
April 9, 2022 | Africa, Feat Articles, Fellows, Highlight, News, News Articles, STEM
While female enrolment in higher education has tripled globally between 1995 and 2018, the gender gap is still large in sub-Saharan Africa ‘s higher-ed institutions. Women are particularly underrepresented in the STEM fields due to several barriers that the region must necessarily remove to reach its full socio-economic development potential, argues the CEO of the African [...]
Les scientifiques du Next Einstein Forum se lancent dans la lutte contre le COVID-19
June 11, 2020 | Africa, Healthcare, News, News Articles, Newsroom, Science
PAR YOUSSEF TRAVALY, VICE-PRÉSIDENT DU NEXT EINSTEIN FORUM DANS FINANCIAL AFRIK Le Covid-19 éprouve les pays africains dans leur capacité de gestion pandémique, leur maîtrise des impacts socio-économiques, la robustesse de leurs systèmes de soins de santé et de leurs réponses politiques. Cependant, qu’en est-il des scientifiques africains ? Comment s’organisent-ils pour répondre de manière [...]
Learning from the best: Evaluating COVID-19 responses and what Africa can learn
June 9, 2020 | Africa, Feat Articles, Highlight, News, Policy, Science
A Next Einstein Forum opinion paper Since the first case of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), was detected in Wuhan, China, towards the end of 2019, and declared a global pandemic on 11 March by the World Health Organization, attention has now turned to how countries have responded. The magnitude of the resultant shock from COVID-19 [...]
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Intelligent farming: An AI opportunity in Africa (Youssef Travaly, Vice-President of NEF, in Ressources Magazine)
June 8, 2020 | Africa, Feat Articles, Innovation, News, News Articles, Newsroom, Technology
BY DR. YOUSSEF TRAVALY VICE-PRESIDENT – NEXT EINSTEIN FORUM AND KEVIN MUVUNYI RESEARCH OFFICER – NEXT EINSTEIN FORUM The Fourth Industrial Revolution will transform our lives in unprecedented ways. This revolution, which is characterised by the confluence of digital, physical, and biological systems, is slowly disrupting and redefining value chains across a multitude of industries, [...]
L’intelligence artificielle, une opportunité pour le secteur agricole africain (Youssef Travaly, Vice-président du NEF, dans Ressources Magazine)
| Feat Articles, Innovation, News, News Articles, Newsroom, Technology
PAR YOUSSEF TRAVALY, VICE-PRÉSIDENT DU NEXT EINSTEIN FORUM ET KEVIN MUVUNY, CHERCHEUR AU NEXT EINSTEIN FORUM La 4e révolution industrielle va fondamentalement changer nos vies. Caractérisée par la confluence des systèmes numériques, physiques et biologiques, elle perturbe et révolutionne progressivement les chaînes de valeur de multiples secteurs, notamment par le biais de l’intelligence artificielle (IA). Dans [...]
Can COVID Organics win the battle over SARS-CoV-2 infections?
May 13, 2020 | Africa, Blog, Feat Articles, Fellows, Healthcare, Highlight, News, News Articles, Science
by Dr Vidushi Neergheen* Ever since the President of the Republic of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, announced holding the cure against COVID 19 on 20 April 2020, there has been an upsurge of support for this herbal concoction named COVID organics from many African countries. The drug developed as a herbal tea by the Malagasy [...]
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Coronavirus (COVID-19)-induced re-imagination: 7 things we knew, but “could do nothing about”…until we could…and did
April 20, 2020 | Africa, Feat Articles, Fellows, Healthcare, Highlight, News, News Articles, Science
by Prof. Tolu Oni* One thing is clear: we can’t avert a next pandemic with the same logic and systems that got us to this point. In addition to emergency responses to reduce transmission needed to end the pandemic, I have previously written about the need for emergency foresight in the midst of crises. This [...]
Supplies to vulnerable communities and protection of health workers, as Africa battles COVID-19
April 3, 2020 | Africa, Feat Articles, Fellows, Highlight, News
by Sara Suliman and Fatoumatta Darboe* COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) has become a household name for the disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus (SARS-CoV2), which has rapidly become a global epidemic crisis. SARS-CoV2 infections have been slow to enter Africa, potentially as a result of early travel restrictions imposed by multiple African countries. [...]
R&D en Afrique : une approche panafricaine s’impose pour remédier à la faiblesse des financements (Youssef Travaly, NEF)
March 13, 2020 | Africa, Highlight, News, Science, Uncategorized
Dépêche N°622703 Par Anne ROY Lundi 09 mars 2020, 18:04:00 Toute reproduction ou transmission de cette dépêche est strictement interdite, sauf accord formel d’AEF Lancé en 2013 à l’initiative de l’African institute for mathematical sciences et la fondation Robert Bosch Stiftung, le Next Einstein Forum est une plate-forme qui entend connecter science, société et politique [...]
Le Next Esintein Forum dévoile les 25 meilleurs innovateurs qui entreront en compétition lors Rassemblement international à Nairobi
February 24, 2020 | Africa, Feat Articles, Highlight, Innovation, News, Press Releases, STEM
KIGALI, Rwanda, le 25 février 2020 – Le NEF dévoile aujourd’hui sa liste des 25 finalistes pour son concours de l’Invention à l’Innovation (Ci2i) dans 5 catégories qui aura lieu durant le Salon de l’innovation les 10 et 11 mars 2020 prochain. Sélectionnés parmi plus de 260 candidatures, cette troisième cohorte de finalistes du Ci2i [...]
Next Einstein Forum unveils top 25 innovators to compete at global gathering in Nairobi
| Africa, Highlight, Innovation, News, Press Releases, Science, STEM, Technology
KIGALI, Rwanda, 25 February 2020 – Today, the Next Einstein Forum (NEF) announces the 25 finalists for its Challenge of Invention to Innovation (Ci2i) competition in five categories to be held on 10-11 March 2020 in the NEF Innovation Salon. “The third cohort of Ci2i finalists, selected from 260 applications, are ambitious African innovators developing [...]
Seven reasons to attend Next Einstein Forum Global Gatherings
January 27, 2020 | Africa, Highlight, News, News Articles, Newsroom
The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) Global Gatherings is a space like no other! We focus on creating a collaborative environment for young innovators and great scientific minds to come together with the singular goal of propelling Africa as a global scientific hub. The Global Gathering is the largest science and innovation gathering on the continent. [...]
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Les nouveaux ambassadeurs du Next Einstein Forum vont faire évoluer la façon dont la science et la technologie sont perçues en Afrique
December 2, 2019 | Africa, Ambassadors, Blog, News, Press Releases, STEM
KIGALI, Rwanda, le 2 décembre 2019,-/African Media Agency (AMA)/- Aujourd’hui, le Next Einstein Forum (NEF) – Forum du Prochain Einstein – annonce sa nouvelle promotion d’ambassadeurs, la troisième cohorte de jeunes figures brillantes des sciences et des technologies de toute l’Afrique. Les ambassadeurs, un par pays africain, dirigeront les activités d’engagement du public afin d’encourager l’enseignement, [...]