The idea of the Young Affiliateship is to give opportunities to young scientists who currently do not have them because they are based in Africa or elsewhere in the developing world

Every year the five TWAS Regional Offices each select up to five scientists to be Young Affiliates for a period of five years.
During their tenure, Affiliates are invited to participate in TWAS general meetings and conferences as well as provide feedback
to TWAS on how the Academy can respond to the needs of young scientists in developing countries. They are encouraged to
provide information about TWAS programmes to their students and colleagues; are encouraged to seek out and nominate
excellent scientists from developing countries, especially science-and technology-lagging countries, for TWAS awards and seek
out excellent scientists from science-and technology-lagging countries and recommend their nomination for TWAS membership
(via a full member of the Academy). The idea of the Young Affiliateship is to give opportunities to young scientists who currently
do not have them because they are based in Africa or elsewhere in the developing world. For more information about the call click
Kindly use the attached 2018_TWAS_Young_Affiliates-_Application_Form to submit your nomination.