NEF Ambassador

Dr. Lwidiko Edward Mhamilawa
Dr. Lwidiko is a medical doctor and co-founder of ProjeKt Inspire. A social enterprise that focuses on career guidance and inspiration for young adults and kids, with a niche in STEM careers, (Science Technology Engineering and Math). For the past three years, they have been discovering talents in STEM and nurturing them through one on one mentorship, Job Shadowing and Boot camps.
Currently he works at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) at the department of Parasitology and Medical Entomology as a Tutorial Assistant. Also he is pursuing Medical Research PhD Studies in infectious diseases with a focus on malaria at Uppsala University – Sweden.
The Rising STEAM Stars (Science Technology, Engineering Arts and Mathematics) monthly session is a project that provides a platform for kids (3-14 years) that have passion for practical learning of science to come on Saturday morning of every month and play. Serving as a duo, babysitting service for parents and fun science fair playground for kids, this initiative is one of its kind in the Dar-es salaam community that has been gaining traction starting with 15 -30 kids per session to about 150 kids.
With professional volunteers in STEAM Careers, this platform has been able to develop Science Kits– Inspire packs and developed a sustainability model as a source of income for the social enterprise business model.
The session has been inclusive of kids from both private schools and public schools. Where the parents who can afford, are charged a modest fee for sessions which allows kids from disadvantaged families to get to participate.