Support NEF -old
The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) is a platform that brings together leading thinkers in science, policy, industry and civil society in Africa to leverage science to solve global challenges.
Financial support is critical to sustaining the work of the NEF. Funds and other support help promote a global campaign focused on promoting African scientific advancement and promote year-round dialogue about issues in science and technology in Africa.
Our supporters build critical support for African scientific innovation; helping to tell often untold stories of scientific advancement from across the continent. Supporters receive a subscription to our weekly newsletter, an invitation to our biennial NEF Global Gathering, exclusive list of contacts, and recognition in our online and printed products and reports.
The NEF is always looking for ways to expand its community of supporters. We welcome gifts to support our operations, programmes and projects.
Here are ways to connect to build awareness of African scientific discovery and innovation.
Individual contributions that support the NEF mission are welcome. In addition to financial contributions, individual supporters can also participate by subscribing to our newsletter, submitting a story for publishing on NEF platforms or serving as NEF Ambassadors.
If you are enthusiastic about science and interested in writing scientific content for the NEF and/or building local communities that support informed dialogue about science, society and policy, contact us today.
The NEF is building a thriving community of scientists and publishes relevant foresight and policy work related to Africa’s science and innovation capacity. The NEF programs allow you to demonstrate your commitment to advancing Africa’s scientific potential. For more information about partnership opportunities, please contact
For more information about partnership opportunities, please contact
Governments and Civil Society
The NEF is a powerful way to demonstrate your commitment to advancing Africa’s scientific potential. We offer events and activities that will advance your science and innovation agenda.
For more information about tailored giving opportunities, please contact Nathalie Munyampenda
For more information about tailored giving opportunities, please contact
Support the NEF Global Gathering
The NEF Global Gatherings are the largest and most globally visible platforms to position your organization as a leading supporter of science and knowledge-based enterprise in Africa. The event will include Nobel Prize winners, heads of state and representatives from leading global corporations.
Through the NEF, supporting organizations can launch or solidify their African growth strategy. Each NEF Global Gathering is attended by 2000 leading thinkers and organizations working in science, society and policy in Africa and around the world. Global Gathering supporters are forward-looking individuals and organizations focused on Africa’s contribution to global economic and social development.
Supporters have the opportunity to partner with some of the world’s best and brightest individuals and organizations to work on science, society and policy in Africa. This is a unique opportunity to benefit from the NEF’s exclusive networks and to take a leading role in enabling Africa’s transformation into a leading contributor in science and technology.
Supporters will receive acknowledgement throughout the event. Sponsorship levels are available at the Title, Platinum and Gold levels.
For more information about sponsoring the NEF Global Gathering 2020, please contact
To learn more about sponsoring the NEF Global Gathering, contact