Scientific African Team

R.M.A El-Sherif
Department of Chemistry, Cairo University, Egypt
Dr. Rabab El-Sherif is a chemist. She received her B.Sc. degree from Cairo University in special Chemistry with excellent honor degree and her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Cairo in Physical Chemistry. Currently, Rabab is an associate professor of physical chemistry in Faculty of Science, Cairo University and a Co-Chair of the Egyptian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS).
She has made research contributions in corrosion prevention in industry, solar energy and fuel cells applications as a renewable energy source. Moreover, she worked in the electrochemical bio-implant modifications in the human bodies. Rabab has a recognized record of international published papers in famous international scientific journals in her working field. She shared in more than fifty international conferences and workshops worldwide. Rabat received the Misr El-Kheer publication award and Prof. Venice Gouda {ex- Egyptian minister of scientific research} award for science and innovation in technology, First Award for Distinguished Scientific Researches Offered by MFK Foundation and BUE and Cairo University Scientific Publication Awards. Rabab conducted many projects as PI, one in cooperation with Italy (Venezia Technology.
Rabab has a recognized record of international published papers in famous international scientific journals in her working field. She shared in more than fifty international conferences and workshops worldwide. Rabab received the Misr El-Kheer publication award and Prof. Venice Gouda {ex- Egyptian minister of scientific research} award for science and innovation in technology, First Award for Distinguished Scientific Researches Offered by MFK Foundation and BUE and Cairo University Scientific Publication Awards. Rabab conducted many projects as PI, one in cooperation with Italy (Venezia Technology Institute, Venice-Italy) and ENI Company in oil and gas industry, the other with Cairo University in Renewable Energy and photovoltaic cells.