Scientific African Team

M. Mkandawire
Minewater Management, Cape Breton University, Canada
Prof. Dr. habil. Martin Mkandawire is a solid-state chemist and Industrial Research Chair for Minewater Management at Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia, Canada. His research activities have been around minewater remediation and smart technologies; and his research interests are, intra alia, in photonics and photochemistry of nanocomposite material, reactive and tunable nanomaterial, development of devices with improved energetics using bio-inspire design and bio-mimicked processes like improving energy conversion efficiency using bio-inspired design and architecture of devices in organic solar cell. Before joining Cape Breton University in 2012, Prof. Dr. Mkandawire was based at Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany for close to 20 years, where he researched, among others, surface chemistry of materials, synthesis and functionalization of biomaterial and nanomaterial, use of soft lithography in designing microfluidic systems, development of biosensor for environmental and medical application, designing remediation technologies for minewater, uranium and arsenic chemistry in aquatic systems. He has a network of collaboration with a number of academic and research institution, and serves in a number of editorial boards and as international scientific expert and advisor for a few research foundations in Europe, Asia, South and North America and Africa.