Talla Ndiaye

NEF Ambassador

Talla Ndiaye


Talla Ndiaye is involved in extending Senegal’s use of Data Intelligence. A specialist in Information Systems focusing on Big Data, he graduated from the Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique, Dakar and Supinfo International University, Paris. After working as technical consultant in EPM/BI/Big Data in Paris for Auchan, Casino, Gemalto, Air Liquide, Galderma International, etc., he is now a Big Data engineer at Orange-Sonatel in Dakar. He is a coordinating member and trainer at AfricaTechUp Tour which aims to introduce young Africans to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. He coordinates and/or contributes to several sustainable development projects such as OPAL (Open Algorithms), Flux Vision, Data4Development, Senagro (that fosters links between farmers and investors), and Walùjiggen.
