Scientific Program Committee
Peter Tindemans
- PhD in Theoretical Physics from Leiden University.
- Well-known for his contributions to science, technology and innovation policy in the Netherlands, Europe and globally.
- He was responsible for Dutch research and science policy from 1991-1999 covering all fields of science (including SSH: “Kleine Letteren/Baby Krishna”; International Institute for Asian Studies IIAS; International Institute for the Study of Modern Islam)
- Chaired the establishment of the Pan-European Research and Education Networking infrastructure and OECD MegaScience Forum
- Independent consultant in developing European policies for science, technology and innovation in general,
- Chairman, the European Neutron Spallation Source(2000-2010).
- Member of the International Scientific Site Advisory Committee for the Square Kilometer Array.
- Responsible for the merger of all major Dutch biodiversity collections into Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Netherlands
- Founding member of Euroscience
- Convened the Science Policy Group as chair and member involved in ESOF Governance and Supervisory Committees
- Director of the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen
- Member of the International Scientific Programme Committee, Next Einstein Forum.