Scientific African Team

S. M. Muller
Public and Environmental Economics Research Centre (PEERC), University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Specialty:Economics and Business
Dr Seán Mfundza Muller is currently a Senior Lecturer in the School of Economics at the University of Johannesburg and Research Associate at the Public and Environmental Economics Research Centre (PEERC). From 2014 to 2016 he worked at the (South African) Parliamentary Budget Office as an Economic Analyst and Acting Deputy Director for Economics, prior to which he lectured at the University of Cape Town while completing his doctorate. In addition, he worked as intern in the economic analysis unit of the South African department of transport, as a quantitative research assistant at Young Lives project in Oxford and briefly as a Senior Researcher at the Development Policy Research Unit.
At present, he is a member of the PEERC board and leads the PEERC participation in a European Union-funded project to improve public participation in legislatures, at national and provincial level, with specific emphasis on public finance oversight. In addition, he is the principal investigator of a project to research the dynamics of South Africa’s urban property markets.
Among his broad research interests in economics are the use of econometric evidence (including randomised trials) to inform policy, public finance, development, economics of education, a variety of topics in microeconomics and the philosophy of economics.
Seán holds PhD, MCom and BBusSc degrees in economics from the University of Cape Town and an MPhil Economics from the University of Oxford. During his studies he received support as a Woodrow Wilson Public Policy Partnership Fellow and Rhodes Scholar, as well as awards from the National Research Foundation and University of Cape Town. Passionate about integrity and inclusiveness of institutions, as well as intellectual pluralism, he is actively involved in debates about decolonisation and is a member of his departmental and faculty decolonisation committees.