Rwanda is one of the African countries propelled ahead by the use of science to boost its nation’s food security.
As a landlocked country in central Africa, Rwanda has confronted some challenges in the past. Farmers did not have the tools to boost production. In 2006, it was estimated that more than 80% of Rwandans were farmers and only a small percentage had access to fertilizer.
According to government statistics for 2012, fertilizer use has more than doubled. A survey reported that “in 2005-06, households sold around 18% of their agricultural output on average; by 2010-11 the average proportion of output sold had risen to 25%.”
Rwandans are focused not only on growing more food, but more nutritious food. According to The Guardian article,
“Rwanda’s agricultural revolution can serve as a model for other nations to unlock policy and market constraints. Fertiliser initiatives that open markets, strengthen nutrition
and market- strengtheningand spur partnerships will empower farmers towards improved livelihoods.”
Strong fertilizer policies combined with innovative technologies and market-strengthening partnerships can drive a green revolution in Africa. Rwanda is leading in this effort.