NEF Fellow

Aku Kwamie
Area of Research:Health Policy and Systems Research
Aku hopes to deepen understanding of how the governance of health systems influences their ability to deliver appropriate health care to people at their point of need, and how the overall stewardship role of governments can be improved. She is especially interested in issues of accountability and innovation within the public health sector, and how system-wide transformation can lead to better health service delivery.
Aku Kwamie is a health systems researcher. Her work focuses on applying complexity theory to health systems governance, management and leadership. She is particularly interested in district health systems, as well as teaching, learning and mentorship in health policy and systems research. Aku currently works as a Technical Officer at the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research at the World Health Organisation in Geneva, where she leads portfolios on systems thinking and the Sustainable Development Goals, and institutional capacity strengthening for research uptake in policymaking processes in low- and middle-income countries. Aku was a Commissioner on the WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission A future for the world’s children?, and currently serves on the Evidence Working Group of the Partnership for Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health. She is an outgoing Board member of Health Systems Global, where she represented the Africa region.