NEF Ambassador

Baltazar Cá
Guinea Bissau
Baltazar Cá is a researcher at the National Institute for Public Health in Guinea-Bissau (INASA-BHP) presently coordinating MAF-TB project fieldwork. The project relates to the study of genetic diversity of circulating Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in Bissau and how it relates to drug resistance profiles at the TB national Hospital Raoul Follereau. He holds a degree in Environmental Health and a Master’s degree in Tropical Health (Clinical Pathology) from Nova University, Lisbon. He is currently finishing his PhD, in molecular and cell biology, at Porto University. His PhD project, focuses on the study of
the molecular bases dictating the host interactions with Mycobacterium africanum versus Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In parallel, the project also aims at contributing to the construction of a biobank, comprising clinical isolates, host samples and clinical data, for the study of TB in Guinea-Bissau.