Our work is shaped by our belief that the next Einstein will be African. We are working to make Africa a global hub for science and technology. The NEF is a platform that connects science, society and policy in Africa and the rest of the world – with the goal to leverage science for human development globally. The NEF believes that Africa’s contributions to the global scientific community are critical for global progress. At the centre of our efforts at NEF, is Africa’s young people, the driving force for Africa’s scientific renaissance.
The NEF has four programmes that work together hand-in-hand:
These biennial gatherings are the NEF’s marquee event. Far from an ordinary science forum, the NEF Global Gatherings position science at the centre of global development efforts. In the presence of political and industry leaders, and with a strong focus on youth and women, the voices of global science leaders’ have the opportunity to be heard and to have major impact on Africa’s scientific future. The inaugural NEF Global Gathering 2016 was held in Senegal, the 2018 edition in Rwanda. The NEF Global Gathering 2020 will be held on 10-13 March 2020 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Africa’s is lagging behind in terms of science and innovation foresight and policy. The NEF Policy Institute includes continent wide benchmarking activities and indexes, an ongoing roadmapping process for Africa’s digital economy and other White Papers and opinion.
The NEF Community of Scientists include the NEF Fellows and Ambassadors, Africa’s Brain Trust. The NEF Fellows Programme showcases Africa’s best young scientists on the global stage. NEF Ambassadors are the NEF’s young science and technology champions, one from each African country. Ambassadors organize Africa Science Week in their countries.
The NEF Platform is the NEF’s public engagement platform, focusing on content disseminated online and on social media. The NEF Platform will run multi-layered campaigns and programs to engage young people, gatekeepers and ordinary citizens across Africa and the rest of the world on the importance of science and technology and how they can be involved. The NEF platform will also include government-university-industry research roundtables that will bring together leaders in all three sectors to foster collaboration, establish priorities and solve both short term and long term challenges. The NEF Platform also includes the annual meeting of the NEF Scientific Programme Committee which sets the scientific direction of the NEF as well as selecting the Fellows and Ambassador Classes.